
  1. laptop was calling

    November 30, 2021
    Hello, good evening. I was just reading a book when my laptop at  the dining table decided to wake up from its sleep. So I thought i’d try and listen to it. Typically, I’d shut it down to give it a rest but what if I just listen. Actually, before…

  2. first snow fall of the season

    November 29, 2021
    I feel like writing a very regular degular “how was your day” kind of post.  Woke up to the city’s first snow fall for the season. It was the fluffy, very pretty kind of snow. Was tempted to go outside but on weekends, I prefer to stay inside. Outside around…

  3. welcome carbon & silicon-based life forms

    November 18, 2021
    After many years away and off blogspot, livejournal, wordpress and tumblr…it feels really trippy to blog again - writing something with the intention of sharing and putting it out there in the big world wide webz. But I write personal things and pour so many emotions on inst@gram already so…

  4. coming soon

    November 14, 2021
    I’ve decided to make my way back into the interwebs beyond social media after a few years of uncertainty and inactivity I’ve spent so much time wondering what to make of this website - should I sell things? blog? share projects I’ve worked on? is it worth it? do I

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