
  1. philippines trip reflections

    June 18, 2024
    I’ve been back from my trip for many months now and honestly, I am still taking in my 7-week trip to the Philippines. I don’t know how long it’ll take for me to fully integrate it all. I’m not sure I will and I’m not sure where to start but…

  2. whirlwind

    February 27, 2024
    Life’s kind of been an absolute whirlwind since I last blogged here.  In review, here’s a list of what’s happened since: Wove like a mad woman and exhibited in a group show for Parallel Portals. Super proud of this installation.I went to California for mentorship but that was a big…

  3. grounded

    August 23, 2023
    It’s been a busy summer. At least it feels like it. But if I really think about it, it’s been more balanced than previous years when it comes to life/work/play balance. Haven’t been great at journaling and reflecting. But at this very moment, I feel good about where I’m at…

  4. gathering

    May 30, 2023
    it has been over 7 months since i last posted wow. ok. first post of 2023. no pressure. where do i start? during the winter, i worked on some last minute commissions before going off to europe for two months. during that time, my partner and i traveled to sweden,…

  5. my studio

    October 24, 2022
    appreciating and loving my weaving studio today. i am so grateful. wow. and the sun? a real life dream.

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