
  1. bangar weavers

    2022-10-22 19:09:28 UTC
    i still find it so funny that i saw these blankets (ules in ilokano) growing up as a kid in my parents' closet. i knew they were gifts from my lola susana but my papa never thought to mention, until 4 years ago, that his maternal side of the family…

  2. so…i weave now.

    2022-10-05 04:31:42 UTC
    since my last blog post, a LOT has happened. it’s truly been a whirlwind but a mostly good whirlwind after about 4 years of obsessing over the kusikus pattern - kusikus means whirlwind (ha!) or whirlpool in the ilokano language by the way - i finally made myself figure out…

  3. earth fam, what’s happening?

    2022-02-27 08:52:46 UTC
    earlier this month, we were gifted some lovely family time and had a much much needed break from the city. big themes around noise for me this winter. noise from the streetcar outside our apartment, noise from the honking cars, trucks passing by, noise from our phones, laptops, emails, text…

  4. space / nospace

    2022-02-22 19:22:00 UTC
    while creating this, aside from reflecting on the 10 year anniversary and evolution of my character above, a lot of thoughts came to mind, like how all life begins as a single cell. ONE, WHOLE cell.  oneness. wholeness. then we divide and multiply. we grow. we learn. we adapt.…

  5. 10 years?!

    2022-02-21 08:15:08 UTC
    yesterday before midnight, i just made my personal deadline of february 20, 2022 @ 11:59pm EST. i figured, if i could meet the deadlines of projects that aren’t mine, i can certainly meet my own. and i did! but barely! ended up rushing so the one i posted on my…

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