August 23, 2023It’s been a busy summer. At least it feels like it. But if I really think about it, it’s been more balanced than previous years when it comes to life/work/play balance.
Haven’t been great at journaling and reflecting. But at this very moment, I feel good about where I’m at and how much I’ve accomplished within the last year. I taught some weaving workshops this summer which was exciting. I loved the process. I loved being able to be fully present with the participants. I loved teaching one-on-one, talking about our experiences, learning about each other. Overall, it was a beautiful experience and I hope to connect with more people through private workshops and weaving in general.
Summer evenings have been cooling down. To me, that usually means that fall is approaching. Gotta try to be outside more. Ground more.
Anyway, gonna get back to weaving. I guess weaving has been the thing that’s been grounding me. I love it 💓