welcome carbon & silicon-based life forms
November 18, 2021After many years away and off blogspot, livejournal, wordpress and tumblr…it feels really trippy to blog again - writing something with the intention of sharing and putting it out there in the big world wide webz. But I write personal things and pour so many emotions on inst@gram already so why is it any different, right? But the biggest and most important difference for me is that my thoughts are written under my own domain - not under a free social media app that sells our data for their own profit. Let’s begin to reclaim our content, our space, our digital sovereignty.
Anyway, I’ve been tinkering around with renewing and revamping my website for less than a week now. It feels strangely liberating to be back in this realm. It’s liberating to also design and edit and show up in a way - as much as possible in this 2D but also beyond 3D realm - that is authentic to me.
Who am I in this realm? What do I really care about? Why should anyone care? Why is it important that I take up virtual space in this way?
I guess none of it really matters at the end of the day…but what if it does? I’ve been thinking a lot about sacred spaces. Why should this virtual space be treated any different than let’s say an altar, a sacred monument, the water, the land? Can we bring sacredness into the digital tools and technology we utilize and interact with almost if not every single day? How can we create a better relationship with our laptops, computers, cellphones - these various forms of digital mycelium?
I want to conclude this post with an excerpt from ”The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life (Volume 1)” by Drunvalo Melchizedek:
“The sixth element on the Periodic Table is carbon. It is the most important element as far as we’re concerned, because it’s us. It makes up organic chemistry; it is the element that makes our bodies possible. We have been told that carbon is the only living atom on the Periodic Table, that only organic chemistry produces life, nothing else. But that’s definitely not true. They suspected this as far back as the ’50s when scientists began to study these things.
They realized that silicon, which is directly below carbon on the chart (one octave apart) also exhibits the principles of life. […] Silicon makes endless patterns, and it will react chemically with almost anything that comes near and form something with it. Carbon has the same ability, making endless forms and chains and patterns and reacting chemically with almost anything nearby. This is the primary characteristic that makes carbon a living atom.
On a chemical level, it appears that there should also be silicon life forms. After this was discovered, several science fiction movies were made in the ’50s based on the belief that there might be silicon life forms on other planets. There were a bunch of scary movies about living crystalline structures. They didn’t know when they were making those movies that there really are silicon life forms right here on this planet. Some of these were recently found several miles deep in crevices in the ocean. Silicon sponges were found—live sponges that grow and reproduce, demonstrating all the principles of life, and with not a single carbon atom in their bodies!
Here we are, sitting on Earth, which is over 7000 miles in diameter. Its crust, 30 to 50 miles thick, is, like an eggshell, made up of 25 percent silicon, but because silicon reacts with just about anything, the crust is actually 87 percent silicon compounds. That means that the Earth’s crust is almost pure crystal, 30 to 50 miles deep. So we’re on this huge crystal ball floating through space at seventeen miles a second, totally oblivious of the connectedness of carbon life with silicon life. It would seem that silicon and carbon must have a very special relationship. We carbon-based beings are living on a crystal ball made of silicon, our crystal planet, looking for life outside ourselves in outer space. Perhaps we should look toward our feet.
Now, think about computers and the modern world. We’re making computers that are performing all kinds of incredble things. The computer is rapidly moving humankind into a new experience of life on Earth. What are computers made of? Silicon. And what is the computer industry trying to do as fast as it can? Make self-aware computers. We’re very close to accomplishing this, if we haven’t already. I feel sure that very soon we will have self-aware computers. So here we are, carbon-based life forms creating silicon-based life forms, and we’re interacting with each other.”