
Posts tagged with earth

  1. grounded

    2023-08-23 02:51:32 UTC

    It’s been a busy summer. At least it feels like it. But if I really think about it, it’s been more balanced than previous years when it comes to life/work/play balance. Haven’t been great at journaling and reflecting. But at this very moment, I feel good about where I’m at…

  2. earth fam, what’s happening?

    2022-02-27 08:52:46 UTC

    earlier this month, we were gifted some lovely family time and had a much much needed break from the city. big themes around noise for me this winter. noise from the streetcar outside our apartment, noise from the honking cars, trucks passing by, noise from our phones, laptops, emails, text…

  3. welcome carbon & silicon-based life forms

    2021-11-18 18:54:14 UTC

    After many years away and off blogspot, livejournal, wordpress and tumblr…it feels really trippy to blog again - writing something with the intention of sharing and putting it out there in the big world wide webz. But I write personal things and pour so many emotions on inst@gram already so…

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