
Posts tagged with creation

  1. space / nospace

    2022-02-22 19:22:00 UTC

    while creating this, aside from reflecting on the 10 year anniversary and evolution of my character above, a lot of thoughts came to mind, like how all life begins as a single cell. ONE, WHOLE cell.  oneness. wholeness. then we divide and multiply. we grow. we learn. we adapt.…

  2. 10 years?!

    2022-02-21 08:15:08 UTC

    yesterday before midnight, i just made my personal deadline of february 20, 2022 @ 11:59pm EST. i figured, if i could meet the deadlines of projects that aren’t mine, i can certainly meet my own. and i did! but barely! ended up rushing so the one i posted on my…

  3. coming soon

    2021-11-14 18:05:11 UTC

    I’ve decided to make my way back into the interwebs beyond social media after a few years of uncertainty and inactivity I’ve spent so much time wondering what to make of this website - should I sell things? blog? share projects I’ve worked on? is it worth it? do I

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