
Posts tagged with weaving

  1. gathering

    2023-05-30 04:43:42 UTC

    it has been over 7 months since i last posted wow. ok. first post of 2023. no pressure. where do i start? during the winter, i worked on some last minute commissions before going off to europe for two months. during that time, my partner and i traveled to sweden,…

  2. my studio

    2022-10-24 18:10:29 UTC

    appreciating and loving my weaving studio today. i am so grateful. wow. and the sun? a real life dream.

  3. bangar weavers

    2022-10-22 19:09:28 UTC

    i still find it so funny that i saw these blankets (ules in ilokano) growing up as a kid in my parents' closet. i knew they were gifts from my lola susana but my papa never thought to mention, until 4 years ago, that his maternal side of the family…

  4. so…i weave now.

    2022-10-05 04:31:42 UTC

    since my last blog post, a LOT has happened. it’s truly been a whirlwind but a mostly good whirlwind after about 4 years of obsessing over the kusikus pattern - kusikus means whirlwind (ha!) or whirlpool in the ilokano language by the way - i finally made myself figure out…

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